Trying new foods can be a great way for the whole family to spend time together, and learn about different cuisines.
Go to the library and get cookbooks from different cuisines; try at least one recipe a week. Don’t be afraid to try new proteins, vegetables, and spices!
Grow your own herbs and learn to use them in your meals. Your local library is a great place to find information about how to grow and cook with home-grown herbs.
Read up on the government’s My Plate initiative and learn what makes a healthy meal. Try introducing more vegetables cooked in different styles to add more flavor (and nutrients!) to every meal.
Pick one food item or ingredient that you’ve never tasted each month, and learn how to cook it. Sites like Epicurious are a good starting place for new recipes; just enter the name of the ingredient and go!
I hope you found this article interesting. Have a good one and let me know if you need anything.