Residential & Commercial Mortgage Lists

--> START BELOW! <--

Premium Data Package - $253/mo (Most Popular Package!)
w/ Mortgage, Property Characteristics & Demographics [Click to Read More]

Premium Data Package - $253 mo*

*Discounted savings of $176 for monthly subscription over standard single purchase price of $375. For Individual Use Only. Sharing or selling data with others is strictly prohibited and against Terms of Service.

  • Expanded Premium Data Types (see below for complete list)
  • Nationwide Residential & Commercial Data Leads-including property characteristics & mortgage information.
  • Unlimited Request up to 3,000 nationwide records per month with *public phone numbers & email addresses if available, included.
  • Each record contains property characteristics and mortgage information useful in farming lists.
  • $250 per month (plus $3 processing fee). Register, agree to terms of service, First & Last payment with registration, 30 days prior written notice to cancel.

Important Note: Phones and emails are sourced from public information and may not be accurate or current and cannot be guaranteed. If you want more accurate phones and emails, consider our Bureau Add-on. Phone numbers are given as is, and have been scrubbed by the DoNotCall List.

Types of Premium Data Available


Distressed Homeowners (not Listed on MLS) - Starting at $253/mo [Click to Read More]

26 Homeowner Reasons to List/Sell!

Available Types of Distressed Homeowner Leads:
• Mortgage Lates (30-60-90)
• NODs, NTDS, REOs, Lis Pendens,
• Verified Vacant Properties
• NOO in-state, NOO out-of-state
• Bankruptcy
• Judgments
• Liens
• Probates
• Divorces
• Evictions
• Civil Cases
• Code Violations
• Tax Deed Sales
• Affidavit of Deaths
Forbearance Leads available utilizing our sophisticated A.I.

Accurate Bureau Phones & Emails included on all records! Phone numbers have been scrubbed by the DoNotCall List. SKIP TRACING SERVICES INCLUDED!

Our vast and intuitive skip tracing tools quickly locates PHONE numbers and E-MAIL addresses and distinguish between MOBILE and LANDLINES.

  • EFFICIENCY with accurate, real-time information

  • RESULTS that make a difference

  • MULTIPLE sources for accurate data

Phone numbers are given as is, and have been scrubbed by the DoNotCall List.

Entry Level: $253/mo
100 Verified Distressed Homeowner Leads


Mid-Level: $449/mo (most popular)
500 Verified Distressed Homeowner Leads


Enterprise Level: $750/mo
1000 Verified Distressed Homeowner Leads

Included: Our automated A.I. will stay in contact with your Distressed Homeowner prospects. All we would need from you is your branding picture and contact information and we can setup 'BOB' to begin helping you market your leads.

Learn More

Standard Mailing List Package - $99/mo [Click to Read More]
Mailing List Monthly Package - $99/mo
  • Limited Data types - Name, Address Information only (no Mortgage or Lender information)
  • Nationwide Residential & Commercial
  • Request up to 3,000 nationwide records per month with *public phone numbers & email addresses if available, included.
  • Each record contains basic mailing information only.
  • $99 per month (plus $3 processing fee). Register, agree to terms of service, First & Last payment with registration, 30 days prior written notice to cancel.

*Note: This is a mailing list package only. Any phones and emails that may be included are sourced from public information and may not be accurate or current and cannot be guaranteed. Phone numbers are given as is, and have not been scrubbed by the DoNotCall List. If you want more accurate phones and emails, consider our Bureau Add-on.

Additional Add-on Services:

Bureau Phone Numbers & Emails

Bureau Phone Number Services

Our vast and intuitive Skip Tracing tools quickly locates BUREAU phone numbers and e-mail addresses and distinguishes between MOBILE and LANDLINES.

  • .175 per record. NEW REDUCED PRICING for Customers with PREMIUM Package or higher!

  • Standard rate of .30 record applies to all other orders.

  • EFFICIENCY with accurate, real-time information

  • RESULTS that make a difference

  • MULTIPLE sources for accurate data

Phone numbers are given as is, and have been scrubbed by the DoNotCall List.

Data Append

Data Appending Services

Complete and Correct Customer Details for Superior Customer Identity

  • $133.00 for 10,000 tokens. Click below to view pricing for various types of appends.

  • Fill the missing gaps in U.S. contacts with identity matching!

  • Add missing names, phone numbers, email addresses, postal addresses and more.

  •’s consumer identity matching draws on an individual’s known details to complete missing elements, so organizations can build more thorough customer records.

*Note: All personal contact lists provided MUST include the APN/Parecel ID number. If you don't it, you can get it from your Title Company.

A.I. BOT (Bob)

ADD CDLData AI (Bob) for $199/month. (included with Hidden Treasures)
Take your business to the next level with CDLData AI, your 24/7 intelligent lead conversion assistant. Bob will converse with human like empathy, driving the leads to Agent Ready or Appointment Ready status. Bob will identify itself as an assistant to your brokerage working under the assigned agent. Bob works 24/7/365 and is always available so you don't have to be!

Predictive Analytics
Available! Contact us for more info and pricing.
Available! Contact us for more info and pricing.


Email Marketing

Starting at $9.95/mo for the 1st 2500 emails!

Email Marketing Program
Out of Sight - Out of Mind
The importance of Staying in Touch!

As an ISP (Internet Service Provider) we 'GUARANTEE' 100% delivery into the end-users INBOX or your money back. No Spam/Junk folder!

  • Starting at $9.95/mo for the 1st 2500 emails!

  • Powerful Email Advertising Campaigns at Your Finger Tips

  •'s Bulk Email Marketing Solutions offers a simple approach to promote your business through the power of email advertising!

  • When you are marketing a product or service for your business, the key to success lies in getting your promotion in front of the eyes of precisely targeted prospective buyers.

  • Whether your business is online or offline, direct email marketing is a powerful and cost effective advertising medium.

Coming soon...

Use CDLData's proprietary A.I. to automatically stay in touch with your Prospects and Clients!

Get Started Today
Email Marketing Test Message

Service is 100% Guaranteed to standard end user mailboxes – your emails will be delivered, or you get your money back.

As an agent or investor, you know the value of BRANDING and keeping your name in front of people, so that when they are ready to make a move, YOU are the one they will contact.

You don’t have to take our word for it – you can test our system yourself right now! Just enter your contact information into the boxes below, and click “Email me!” Within 60 seconds, you should have a copy of the message in your inbox, smart phone or tablet.

Send yourself a Test Message now!


Bureau Phones & Emails (Skip Tracing)


Skip Tracing Services

Our vast and intuitive skip tracing tools quickly locates PHONE numbers and E-MAIL addresses and distinguish between MOBILE and LANDLINES.

  • .175 per record. NEW REDUCED PRICING for Customers with PREMIUM Package or higher!

  • Standard rate of .30 record applies to all other orders.

  • EFFICIENCY with accurate, real-time information

  • RESULTS that make a difference

  • MULTIPLE sources for accurate data

Phone numbers are given as is, and have been scrubbed by the DoNotCall List.

More Info SKIP TRACING - high hit rate & no disconnected numbers

Our vast and intuitive skip tracing tools quickly locates PHONE numbers and E-MAIL addresses
and distinguish between MOBILE and LANDLINES.

EFFICIENCY with accurate, real-time information's Skip Tracing Program can Help You Locate the Highest Quality Data with Phone (including mobile and landlines) numbers with accurate, real-time information.

RESULTS that make a difference

Live gateways put real-time public records information at your fingertips. Our data comes from four live gateways: all three credit bureaus header (Equifax, Transunion, and Experian) data. You can be confident that you are getting the most accurate and up-to-date information on your subjects.

MULTIPLE sources for accurate data

Know exactly where the data came from, with a variety of public data outlets and proprietary sources, including phone providers, credit header, and a utility listing database that updates every 24 hours.

What is a Batch Skip Trace Search Result?

A batch skip trace result includes up to five working phone numbers, a most current address, and up to five email addresses. If a search returns any of that information, it is considered a hit.

Sometimes a search result includes only a most current address and no phone numbers, but not very often. searches return an average of three working phone numbers per result. Our average hit rate is 80%+.

What is a Skip Tracing Hit Rate?

The hit rate equals the number of skip tracing results, divided by the total
number of searches. It’s written as a percentage.

For example, if you batch skip traced a list of 100 name and address records,
and your search results returned information for 81 of those records, the hit
rate would be 81%.
81 results / 100
searches = .81 = 81%

Click on samples below to view what Skip Tracing can add to your data list...

CLICK HERE to view Sample Skip Tracing BEFORE (Scroll left-right/up-down to see all data)

CLICK HERE to view Sample Skip Tracing AFTER (Scroll left-right/up-down to see all data)

Let the skip tracing program be part of your data package for updated phone numbers and email addresses.

Fast. Accurate. Cost-Effective processing offers high-volume searches at a highly competitive per-hit rate. This automated service is perfect for large quantity searches – saving time and labor costs while reducing errors.


Click Here for More Info or call us at 866-377-4599 (9am-5pm, M-F) PST.



Data Append


Data Appending Services

Complete and Correct Customer Details for Superior Customer Identity

  • $133.00 for 10,000 tokens. Click below to view pricing for various types of appends.

  • Fill the missing gaps in U.S. contacts with identity matching!

  • Add missing names, phone numbers, email addresses, postal addresses and more.

  •’s consumer identity matching draws on an individual’s known details to complete missing elements, so organizations can build more thorough customer records.

*Note: All personal contact lists provided MUST include the APN/Parecel ID number. If you don't it, you can get it from your Title Company.

Phone numbers are given as is, and have not been scrubbed by the DoNotCall List. If you want your phone numbers scrubbed, it's an additional .175 cents per record.

More Info

Effective January 1, 2020's Data Appending Services Program.

Complete and Correct Customer Details for Superior Customer Identity

Fill the missing gaps in U.S. contacts with identity matching! Add missing names, phone numbers, email addresses, postal addresses and more.'s consumer identity matching draws on an individual’s known details to complete missing elements, so organizations can build more thorough customer records.'s data appending services fills the missing gaps in contact records by matching empty contact fields to flesh out a single view of the customer. All it takes is one piece of data, like an email address, phone number, or address to find and verify more information about a person, such as:

Email address
Phone numbers
Mobile device IPs
Current postal address
Address history
How can we offer identity matching? With Unmatched Global Reference Data's extensive knowledge base and deep domain knowledge powers identity matching. Records are sourced from numerous global datasets containing billions of active and historical records - plus millions more referenced only in proprietary data stores.

Cost is $103.00 for 10,000 tokens. Click below to view pricing for various types of appends.

We offer data enhancement to your existing database to improve your marketing to existing prospects or customers.

  1. Updated addresses
  2. Updated phone numbers
  3. Updated email addresses (Read More)

Types of Data Available



Contact Us

CDL A.I. (Bob)


Hi, I'm Bob!

ADD AI (Bob) for $199/month. Take your business to the next level with AI, your 24/7 intelligent lead conversion assistant. Bob will converse with human like empathy, driving the leads to Agent Ready or Appointment Ready status. Bob will identify itself as an assistant to your brokerage working under the assigned agent. Bob works 24/7/365 and is always available so you don't have to be!

With over 18 months in script-specific development, AI is built on having a deeper, meaningful, more engaging conversations with Distressed Homeowners that leads to conversion. AI not only uses learned behaviors to proactively reach out and have a more productive conversation, but remembers important details of that conversation for future reference to build lasting relationships. AI Bot Forbearance Bot Presentation

<- Click on left Video to see more.

A prime example is how we use 'Bob' - our AI bot - to systematically reach out to troubled homeowners via text message and email, asking a variety of questions looking for three key answers:

  1. Are you looking for mortgage relief?
  2. Are you currently in a Forbearance agreement?
  3. Are you looking to sell your home in the near future?
By establishing rapport through intelligent dialog and collecting their information, we are then able to pass on that information to YOU, a trusted agent or investor who can help them with their financial troubles.

You want Forbearance leads? We know how to get them. Contact us today to Get Started at: AI Bot Sample House Flipping

<- Click on left Video to see more.

In this incredible example we use BOB to actually pre-qualify a prospective home seller and even negotiate a sales price! All done for you automatically!

The process begins by us sending out feelers via text message and email to known potential prospects whom we have determined are in a distressed home situation. The prospect is invited to engage with ‘Bob’, our friendly AI virtual assistant – who can initiate the process of ASKING and ANSWERING their questions and GUIDING them through the process – INTERVIEW them and DIRECT them and even ADVISE them as to what their best course of action should be. Studies have shown people are 87% more likely to talk with a robot giving honest answers than they are with a human - and thus Bob is able to cultivate that initial relationship – and even prequalify individuals – before then sending them on to you, a live agent or investor. AI Bot CRM Email Marketing

<- Click on left Video to see more.

In this video, we demonstrate our brand CRM Email Marketing at work.

This is a general overview of how you can create your own marketing lists and import them, create a flyer and build out a scheduled campaign using your own pre-defined branded templates.

As an ISP, we pride ourselves  in our ability to get your message into the Inbox 100% of the time!

The video also demonstrates how you can track your emails and campaigns in real-time via our sophisticated Reporting system.

And all of this is fully user-friendly - as easy as 1-2-3!

Contact Us

Lead Generation Division


Individual Data Purchases - A La Carte

Single Purchase Only

Single Purchase Only

  • Minimum Order $250.00

  • Probate List – Hidden Treasures Package

  • Divorce List – Hidden Treasures Package

  • Short Sales – *.125/record, minimum order $250.00

  • Affidavit Deaths – *.125/record, minimum order $250.00

  • Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac, Harp 2.0 – *.125/record, minimum order $250.00

  • FHA/VA – *.125/record, minimum order $250.00

  • Rate Riders – *.485/record, minimum order $250.00

  • Reverse Mortgages Prospects – *.485/record, minimum order $250.00

  • and much more!!!

CLICK HERE for More Details and Ordering Information

Specialty Data

Specialty Data

  • Cost $250/1000 plus $200

  • Includes name, address, phone numbers and email addresses if available

  • Bankruptcy List (also available with Hidden Treasures)

  • Tax Liens (also available with Hidden Treasures)

  • Judgments List (also available with Hidden Treasures)

  • Doctors, Attorneys, CPAs etc.

  • Professional List

  • Specialized Marketing Lists (i.e. Teachers, etc.)

  • and much more!!!

CLICK HERE for More Details and Ordering Information

Bulk Data

Bulk Data
The Bottom Line: Don’t just buy ordinary Mortgage leads, start closing more loans today – 866-377-4599

New! Skip Tracing Phone Numbers for .125/record (normally .30/record)

  • Cost $1999 - 25,000 records

  • Cost $3499 - 50,000 records

  • Cost $4499 - 75,000 records

  • Cost $5499 - 150,000 records

CLICK HERE for More Details and Ordering Information


View FAQs
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Advantage?


Who we are and what we do is the premier List Database for today's marketing professionals; providing hundreds of property and demographic filters supporting virtually any residential and/or commercial specific marketing list requirement. How we can help you ...
  • We can pinpoint homeowners who need your HELP!
  • Pre-NOD Lead (late model data)
  • Short Sales Prospects
  • Foreclosure Prospects (NOD's, NTDS and REO's)
  • ARM Resets
  • Homeowners with Equity
  • Reverse Mortgages
  • FHA/VA
  • Renters - First Time Homebuyers
  • General Homeowner Information and much more!
  • CLICK HERE for a complete list ALL of Products and Services
  • Request More Information CLICK HERE


How do I get started? Answer: Go to our website and click on the yellow tab labeled 'Get Started'. This will take you to our get started page where you will select between one of our Monthly Packages and/or a Single Purchase.Monthly Package (Unlimited Request): Click on one of three (3) selections (the Premium Package, Starter Package or Agent Package), review this section on how many leads you will receive per request. Next, click on the 'Get Started' and this will take you to a registration screen where you must register.
Next is the 'Order Page' this is where you pay for the monthly data packages. Click on 'Order Now' and you are in the 'Product Details Page'.. Please ensure you picked the correct package and the price is correct. 1st and last payment is required with activation. Also, you must agree to our Terms of Service to proceed.
Next, click 'Add to Cart'. Now you are in the shopping cart, fill out completely and checkout. The system will acknowledge a successful transaction immediately. You're done!If you are ready to order data see #3 below.Single Purchase Only: Click on 'Get Started for single purchase only.
Next, click on the 'Order Mortgage Leads Tab'.
Next review and select the correct tab i.e. 'Order Mortgage Leads a la carte start here. Review and click on 'Order Now' on the right hand side.
Next fill out the Request Form completely and submit.
Next, click on the 'Retail Customer Checkout' tab.
Next, select the correct category on the left hand side of the shopping cart i.e. 'a la carte service'. Please read, and select the correct number of records desired and click on the order tab.
Next, review to ensure all is correct and click on 'Proceed to Checkout'.
Next, you must register, fill out the form completely and click on continue.
Next, review order and click on order now.
Next, click on pay by credit card.
Next, fill out the authorization form completely and submit. You're Done!


How do I order my Leads? Answer: Click on 'Request Forms' on the top red bar of the website and select the 'General Request Form' and follow the simple instructions. You can order your data in either CSV and/or PDF. Fill out the request form to match your registration. There are nine (9) pre-selected types of data to request. If what you are looking for is not in that list, please use the order details section to describe what you are looking for.Note: If you want phone number only you need to request 'Phone Only'.
Note: If you want Mortgage Lates with NO NOD, please state PRE-NOD's on the request form. If you request Mortgage Lates you could get a mixture of Lates and NOD's. A NOD, NTDS and REO is a mortgage late.
Note: We have noticed that over the past 24 months, various banks are still reporting homeowners late to the credit bureaus when it fact the subject property has changed ownership.


When do I get my Leads? Answer: All request are normally done within 2 hours or less. Renter leads may take up to 3-4 business days to complete. Upon receipt of your request form and completion of same, we will send you an email that your order is completed. We use the same email address you registered with at time of purchase. If you don't get your email and/or data please call customer service at 866-377-4599.Note: If you don't receive our email look in your bulk and/or spam filter before you call us. Normally all emails are received unless you have raised your security settings on your system.


How do I get to my Leads? Answer: Go to the website and click on 'Customer Login' on the top red bar of the website. Enter your login and password you created at time of registration and payment. After you login you are on 'My'. Under files you will see a tab called 'Available Folders' with a plus sign to the right. Click on the plus to open up the folder. You will see your name and 5 sub-folders called My Documents, My Farms, My Mortgage Leads, My Property Profiles and My Transaction Coordination. Click on the appropriate folder to retrieve your data. Place a check mark next to the file you want and click on the file and save it to your desktop. You're Done! Please note on Monthly Packages: You will receive up to 500 records per request. If you want to do a mailout just request the same and note this is for a mailout and we will send you all available records - minus the phone numbers.


Can I target specific lenders? Answer: Example - Target specific lenders such as Wells Fargo, Wachovia, World Savings and Golden West Financial for homeowners who are either a Short Sale based on our proprietary Automated Valuation Model (AVM), have a current Mortgage Late payments and/or a Foreclosure Prospect! Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac loans are not recorded. We search approved Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac lenders i.e. Bank of America, Wells Fargo etc with your data filters on all request. We are approximately 80 to 90% accurate. If you need 100% you must go to either Fannie Mae and/or Freddie Mac's web site and search each record one at a time.


How do I cancel my monthly subscription? Answer: Monthly billing requires a THIRTY (30) DAY prior written notification by filling out our cancellation form on the web site, located on the home tab at and call 866-377-4599 to confirm receipt. I understand and AGREE the ‘Cancellation Policy’ is a two (2) step process. will terminate your billing from 30 days of dated cancellation form.If your billing date falls within the 30 days prior written notification you credit card will be billed. It is the customer’s responsibility to verity written email cancellation receipt of termination sent to and affiliates.


E-Mail Marketing - Must Read! Marketing Live and its affiliated companies do not guarantee successful e-mail delivery to all e-mails in our lists or to any additional e-mails you place in your lists. Successful e-mail delivery depends greatly on the receivers e-mail settings and the internet provider of the receivers e-mail account. If a receiver blocks HTML e-mails or e-mails that have photos or if an internet provider has limitations on how much bulk e-mail can be received, the receiver may not receive the e-mail. We also do not guarantee that our lists will contain every licensed Realtors and/or homeowner email address. If the Realtors and/or homeowner email address is not made publicly available to us then we will not have them in our lists. We do, however, provide a guarantee that all e-mails will leave our server. Once they leave our server we have no control over them. We have features in place that allow us to determine if, when and how many e-mails a flyer was sent to, but we do not automatically add tracking features on who actually read or opened the e-mail unless you add the open tracking feature to your flyer. The main reason we don't use link tracking is because most ISP's block this feature including any redirect link.We do not guarantee delivery to, hotmail, aol, yahoo or comcast e-mail accounts because these providers sometimes block e-mails due to bulk e-mail delivery and have their own filtering in place. These email providers choose which emails you receive based on their filters. Basically they block email for you before you even have a chance to get it, which causes you to potentially loose legit emails.We do not guarantee any type of response or successful leads on any e-mail campaigns that are sent through our system. The response you receive will depend greatly on the property or service you are offering and if it appeals to the receiver. The response success may vary greatly from one flyer to another. DUE TO THE NATURE OF THIS SERVICE ALL SALES ARE FINAL AND NON-REFUNDABLE.What are some reasons YOU might not want to use link tracking? Link tracking allows you to view the number of times a link is clicked called click-throughs and who clicked on it. You have the option to disable this feature if you do not want to gather this information about your contacts.You do not want to use link tracking for the following types of links:
1. Links with a redirector on your destination site
2. Internal links (e.g., a corporate intranet site)
3. Image mapping.


Where does get Their Data? Answer: All data (except Mortgage Lates) obtained from comes from the County Recorders office and the County Tax Assessor Office. The data is updated daily. Normally from date of recordation our records are updated within 3 to 5 days from recording. The mailing address is the address the county has on file to send the homeowners current tax bill.


Best Practices when using 'Mailing List'! Answer: An address verification program will save you time and money i.e. you do not waste materials and postage sending advertisement to non-deliverable addresses. An address verification program should be powered by a CASS Certified address verification search engine that meets the strictest USPS specifications for address accuracy and ZIP + 4 codes. ** does not guarantee and/or warrant the deliverability of any mailing list by the United States Post Office Service when using our data lists. It is the customers responsibility to verify all addresses with a USPS (United States Postal Service) program and/or use a qualified mail house; both will increase the quality of your addresses address verification and regular database cleansing with a USPS CASS Certified software program.


What is a "Pre-NOD Lead", Anyway? Answer: Pre-NOD model leads are property owners that are likely late on their mortgages and no NOD has been filed. We supply current model data. This list is so awesome because the information is not public record (yet), which gives you a "leg-up" on your competition because you have access to information that is not otherwise available to the public. Please note: We have noticed that over the past 36 months, various banks are still reporting homeowners late to the credit bureaus when it fact the subject property has changed ownership. See #12 below for restrictions.


Restrictions talking to Homeowners with Model Late Data: The following terms and conditions shall apply to Your use of the - Model Late Data: **Important to remember when contacting a Pre-NOD you shall not directly and/or indirectly reference any type of Mortgage Late directly to the Consumer without written prior consent of said Consumer in any (i) direct mail; (ii) conducting telephone solicitation; or (iii) conducting telephone or direct mail surveys.

**Per terms of service any contact either written and/or spoken with a consumer as a direct result of is purely informational regarding
your products and services only.


Does the Data come with Phone Numbers? Answer: Yes, we use a 3rd party vendor to update all our phone records. All phone numbers are scrubbed every 30 days through the DNC List.Please note that we don't guarantee phone records. Albeit, they are working at the time we import the data, we can't control that aspect of the homeowner records.


Can I search Tax Liens Bankruptcy? Answer: Yes.Target potential business with greater reliability, offers custom public record searches nationwide. For more information CLICK HERE and fill out the form completely. Please be specific. Custom searches are not part of any monthly package. Due Diligence Searches
  • Articles of Incorporation
  • Bankruptcy Search
  • Certificate of Good Standing
  • Civil Litigation Searches - State and Federal
  • Felony and Misdemeanor Searches
  • Fictitious Name Search
  • Judgment Search
  • Officer and Director Search
  • Property Search - Residential and Commercial
  • Tax Lien Searches - State and Federal


The Reviews Are In...

I have been utilizing CDL Data and working with the team for over 5+ years and it has been essential in both the growth of my business, as well as the Real Estate Industry Professionals I train. The information, resources and custom data has never disappointed. I have and will continue to use CDL Data and its marketing machine to further grow my business and enhance the business of those I train.

E.L. Craine, Texas
Director of Education & Business Development
CE Instructor & RMG Trainer
Host REU Show 11A Saturdays

Customer Login
Types of Data Included with Premium Package:

Data Type (nationwide)

We've got the leads, close the deal. Sample Data

More Info
Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac Data
More Info
FHA/VA Refinance Leads
Sample Refinance Scripts
Harp 2.0 Prospects
More Info
Short Sales Prospects (No Equity)
More Info

Reverse Mortgage Prospects
(50% Equity & Age 62 plus)

More Info
Renter Leads with Name, Address, Phone & Credit Score
Sample Renter Scripts
Nationwide Farm Packages
Sample Farm Scripts
Residential & Commercial Mailing List Available nationwide PDFIcon50
Just Listed/Sold radius searches
More Info
Phone, email obtained from public records not on DNC list.
More Info
List Types Available Expired Listings
For Sale By Owner (FSBO)
Absentee Owners
Affidavit Deaths

Empty Nester's
AVM - Estimated Equity
Nearby Properties Owners
New Homeowners
Lender Specific
Loan Rate & Equity
PVT Party Lender/Seller Carrybacks
Mortgage Consolidation
Subprime Loans
Insurance Prospects
Rate Riders
FHA/VA Trigger Leads
KEVIN BLACKWELL 1139 CHAPLIN ST SE WASHINGTON DC 20019 1139 CHAPLIN ST SE WASHINGTON DC 20019 SINGLE FAMILY 1936 1,806 7,771 4 2 no $345,350.00 $330,000.00 5/16/2008 5389 0835 YES Bankruptcy/Chapter 13 4/18/2019 Foreclosure/Notice of Default 11/9/2019 Lien/Local Lien 11/6/2019 Lien/State Lien 2/8/2017
ISAAC SMITH 5316 GAY ST NE WASHINGTON DC 20019 3930 E CAPITOL ST NE WASHINGTON DC 20019 SINGLE FAMILY 1911 1,152 2,500 2 1 no $169,420.00 5209 0057 YES Lien/Local Lien 10/16/2019 Lien/State Lien 6/27/2018 Vacant/Vacant 1/28/2019 Absentee/NOO In Town 11/20/2019
FREHIWOT DERESSO 5212 B ST SE WASHINGTON DC 20019 5405 TUCKERMAN LN 230 ROCKVILLE MD 20852 RESIDENTIAL 2,000 0 0 no $120,240.00 $185,000.00 2/1/2016 5309 0044 YES Lien/Local Lien 3/6/2019 Lien/State Lien 12/14/2017 Vacant/Vacant 1/28/2019 Absentee/NOO Out of State 2/1/2016
GREGORY J PHIFER 5161 SHERIFF RD NE WASHINGTON DC 20019 5149 SHERIFF RD NE WASHINGTON DC 20019 SINGLE FAMILY 1944 810 2,515 2 1 no $197,940.00 5176 0269 YES Lien/Local Lien 8/9/2019 Lien/State Lien 1/3/2017 Vacant/Vacant 9/28/2018 Absentee/NOO In Town 11/20/2019
WILLIAM A COOK 4406 KANE PL NE WASHINGTON DC 20019 5109 S DAKOTA AVE NE WASHINGTON DC 20017 SINGLE FAMILY 1908 392 2,500 1 1 no $155,220.00 5097 0034 YES Lien/Local Lien 3/11/2019 Lien/State Lien 6/26/2018 Vacant/Vacant 1/28/2019 Absentee/NOO In Town 11/20/2019
NAME PHONE EMAIL PROPERTY ADDRESS PROPERTY CITY PROPERTY STATE PROPERTY ZIPCODE MAILING ADDRESS MAILING CITY MAILING STATE MAILING ZIPCODE PROPERTY TYPE YR BUILT BUILDING SIZE PROPERTY SIZE STORIES TOTAL ROOMS BEDROOMS BATHROOMS SWIMING POOL WATER FRONT ASSESSED VALUE IMPROVED VALUE PURCHASE PRICE PURCHASE DATE APN IS TAX DELINQUENT TROUBLE TYPE 1 TROUBLE 1 DATE TROUBLE TYPE 2 TROUBLE 2 DATE TROUBLE TYPE 3 TROUBLE 3 DATE TROUBLE TYPE 4 TROUBLE 4 DATE Preferred_Mailing_Address Preferred_Mailing_City Preferred_Mailing_State Preferred_Mailing_Zip Preferred_Mailing_Date_First_Seen Preferred_Mailing_Date_Last_Seen Phone0_Number Phone0_Type Phone0_Score Phone1_Number Phone1_Type Phone1_Score Phone2_Number Phone2_Type Phone2_Score Phone3_Number Phone3_Type Phone3_Score Phone4_Number Phone4_Type Phone4_Score Phone5_Number Phone5_Type Phone5_Score Phone6_Number Phone6_Type Phone6_Score Phone7_Number Phone7_Type Phone7_Score Phone8_Number Phone8_Type Phone8_Score Email1 Email2 Email3
KEVIN BLACKWELL     1139 CHAPLIN ST SE WASHINGTON DC 20019 1139 CHAPLIN ST SE WASHINGTON DC 20019 SINGLE FAMILY 1936 1,806 7,771     4 2 no   $345,350.00   $330,000.00 5/16/2008 5389 0835 YES Bankruptcy/Chapter 13 4/18/2019 Foreclosure/Notice of Default 11/9/2019 Lien/Local Lien 11/6/2019 Lien/State Lien 2/8/2017 6514 Plato Pl Hughesville MD 20637 1/31/2001 5/8/2019 3014400499 Mobile 88 3017531416 Land Line 86 2023982555 Land Line 66 3012492898 VoIP 66 3012496182 Land Line 66 3018095348 Land Line 66 3018933471 Land Line 66 3019734829 Land Line 66 3018433471 Land Line 3 DNINJA@COMCAST.NET DNINJA@AOL.COM  
ISAAC SMITH     5316 GAY ST NE WASHINGTON DC 20019 3930 E CAPITOL ST NE WASHINGTON DC 20019 SINGLE FAMILY 1911 1,152 2,500     2 1 no   $169,420.00       5209 0057 YES Lien/Local Lien 10/16/2019 Lien/State Lien 6/27/2018 Vacant/Vacant 1/28/2019 Absentee/NOO In Town 11/20/2019             2023992146 Land Line 100 2024598173 Mobile 99 2023990565 Land Line 86 2026005635 Mobile 86 3013506509 Land Line 67 2023022183 Mobile 66 2023292951 Mobile 66 2023991154 Land Line 66 2023996674 Land Line 66 FLORETTA84@HOTMAIL.COM EFLORETTA@HOTMAIL.COM  
FREHIWOT DERESSO     5212 B ST SE WASHINGTON DC 20019 5405 TUCKERMAN LN 230 ROCKVILLE MD 20852 RESIDENTIAL     2,000     0 0 no   $120,240.00   $185,000.00 2/1/2016 5309 0044 YES Lien/Local Lien 3/6/2019 Lien/State Lien 12/14/2017 Vacant/Vacant 1/28/2019 Absentee/NOO Out of State 2/1/2016             2025840596 Land Line 105 2025828296 Land Line 103 2025822507 Land Line 101 2025845469 Land Line 101 2023991898 Land Line 100 3014744840 Land Line 102 2026294154 VoIP 66 2024090925 Mobile 35 2026733226 Land Line 3 FOXEY_FORD@YAHOO.COM JLBROOKSJR@EARTHLINK.NET  
GREGORY J PHIFER     5161 SHERIFF RD NE WASHINGTON DC 20019 5149 SHERIFF RD NE WASHINGTON DC 20019 SINGLE FAMILY 1944 810 2,515     2 1 no   $197,940.00       5176 0269 YES Lien/Local Lien 8/9/2019 Lien/State Lien 1/3/2017 Vacant/Vacant 9/28/2018 Absentee/NOO In Town 11/20/2019 26 Pond Ln Bryn Mawr PA 19010 4/30/2011 7/1/2018 3012779183 Land Line 105 3014048923 Mobile 104 3014040489 Mobile 104 3012779461 Land Line 103 9546489908 Mobile 103 3017827528 Land Line 38 2023293311 Mobile 66 2026521948 VoIP 66 2404557339 VoIP 66 HBALLARD48@YAHOO.COM HBALLARD@AOL.COM MTGTSLLC@HOTMAIL.COM
WILLIAM A COOK     4406 KANE PL NE WASHINGTON DC 20019 5109 S DAKOTA AVE NE WASHINGTON DC 20017 SINGLE FAMILY 1908 392 2,500     1 1 no   $155,220.00       5097 0034 YES Lien/Local Lien 3/11/2019 Lien/State Lien 6/26/2018 Vacant/Vacant 1/28/2019 Absentee/NOO In Town 11/20/2019 12904 Lafayette Hill Ct Brandywine MD 20613 11/30/2017 4/24/2019 2404918543 Mobile 88 3018771394 Land Line 86 2025814713 VoIP 66 2026788045 Land Line 66 4108771394 Land Line 66 2028822039 Land Line 66 2026937214 Land Line 30 3016485310 Mobile 3 3018425510 Land Line 3 IAMXERO@HOTMAIL.COM    
Append Type What it Does Pricing
Address Append Returns a name and an address based on either a provided email address or phone number. 6 Credits per Address Appended
Canada Post NCOA Returns the current addresses for Canadian individuals and companies that have moved within the last 72 months. 10 Credits per Move Appended
Demographics Date of Birth (month and year) - 1
Date of Death (month, day, and year) - 1
Gender (as reported by the contact) - 1
Household Income - 2
Residence Type (owner or renter) - 3
Length of Residence (in years) - 1
Occupation - 4
Married (definitely or possibly) - 2
Children Present (yes or no) - 2
1 - 6 Credits per Record Appended (see below for specific pricing)
Email Address Append Returns a valid email address associated with a provided name and address. 12 Credits per Email Appended
Geocode Assigns rooftop level latitude and longitude coordinates to an address. Supports U.S, Canada, & 60 other countries.

Assigns street level latitude and longitude coordinates to an address. Supports U.S, Canada, & 60 other countries.

10 Credits per Rooftop Level Geocode Append

1 Credit per Street Level Geocode Append

Move Update Returns the current addresses for U.S individuals and companies that have moved going back 10 years. Does not satisfy the USPS® Move-Update requirement for postal discounts. 10 Credits per Move Appended
Name Append Returns a contact name associated with the provided address, email address, or phone number. 6 Credits per Name Appended
Phone Append Returns a valid phone number associated with the provided address. 12 Credits per Phone Number Appended
Property Data Acreage
Assessed Property Value
Assessor’s Parcel Number (also known as ‘APN’)
Building Area (in square feet)
Improvement Value
Last Sale Date
Last Sale Price
Living Space (in square feet)
Mortgage Amount
Mortgage Due Date
Mortgage Term
Owner Address (street address, city, state and ZIP Code™).
Owner Name
Property Area (in square feet)
Total Property Value
Tax Amount
Total Rooms
Total Bedrooms
Total Bathrooms
Total Bathrooms
12 Credits per Record Appended


SmartMover NCOALink® Returns the most current address of U.S. individuals and businesses that have moved within the past 48 months. Meets the USPS® Move-Update requirement for First-Class™ and Standard Mail® discounts. 10 Credits per Move Appended
Verification Type What it Does Pricing
Contact Check

Address Check

Checks the validity of contact name and address. 1 Credit per Contact

2 Credits per Address

Express Entry® Address Autocomplete Auto-completes and verifies an address to save up to 50% in keystrokes and ensure only valid address data enters your database. 1 Credit per Address Completed
Global Address Check Checks the validity of addresses for over 240 countries and territories. Address is verified, standardized, and formatted to local country standards. 12 Credits per Address Checked
Name-to-Address Verification Cross-matches a contact name with an address to make sure the two are associated. 12 Credits per Match