November 12, 2012

The Equilateral Triangle of Sales

I often draw a triangle with equal sides when I discuss the fundamentals of championship selling.  Notice that the triangle’s base or bottom side is attitude, […]
October 22, 2012

You Are What You Represent

You’ve undoubtedly heard the phrase, ‘be a product of the product.’  This means that you not only represent the product or service, but that you, personally, […]
October 15, 2012

Just Exactly What Is It You’re Selling?

What do you sell?  If I ask 100 professionals this question, I will receive close to 100 different answers.  I’ve done this in my seminars, so […]
September 23, 2012

Turn Prospecting into Dollars with STP

The key to success with prospecting is what I call STP. In fact, I put a can of STP on my desk, in my bathroom and […]
September 13, 2012

Getting the Prospecting Mindset!

Unless you sell some unique product for a very exclusive or narrow market, everybody is a prospect.  I call this realization the -prospecting mindset, and if […]
August 24, 2012

Gaining Competency in Prospecting!

The education process-learning product information and gaining selling skills-is the beginning of your career in sales.  Getting to know your product is essential.  If you don’t […]
August 18, 2012

Where Prospecting Fits In

If you ask 100 sales professionals what their favorite aspect of selling is, I’m willing to bet that 95 of them will not mention prospecting.  Our […]
August 6, 2012

Warm Prospecting

Warm prospecting, on the other hand, involves contacting people who you have good reason to believe will become clients and with whom you have some sort […]
August 3, 2012

What is Prospecting?

Prospecting is finding the right buyer for your product or service.  Prospecting Involves two steps: Finding the people to sell.  That’s what this ‘Tip’ is all […]
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