It’s easy to fall into a rut with the concerns of everyday life, but keeping an active mind can not only help you stay mentally alert, but can even help fight some diseases! Get your mind moving with a few easy tips.
Pick a country you don’t know much about, and follow the news in that country for a month. You can set up a Google alert to give you news stories, or search the CNN, BBC, or other news websites for information. Consider getting a book about the nation’s history from your local library.
Do a puzzle or crossword every day. Studies indicate that doing puzzles can help the mind stay active and improve mental health! Many papers have puzzle and crossword sections, or you can find them online.
Watch a movie with subtitles. Watching foreign films not only gives you a taste of a different language and culture, but reading subtitles will get your mind active and make you more engaged with the film!
Read or listen to an audiobook while on the way to work, doing household chores, or exercising. Audiobooks are widely available from Amazon and Audible; you can also find some free recordings of public domain books on LibriVox and YouTube. You’ll be surprised how many books you can read when you listen to them!
Have a wonderful day and please let me know if you need anything.