Summer can be a tricky time for selling, as many people are busy with vacation, school holidays, and summer activities. Here are some tips for overcoming these obstacles!
Keep the lawn tidy. Mow twice a week to keep your lawn spic and span. You can even try mowing on the diagonal every other cutting to increase curb appeal. Plant a few flowers near the house for a splash of color.
Make use of the light. Summer is the season of sunlight, so let it in! Remove heavy drapes that make rooms feel closed off, and open the blinds as much as possible to let the light in. Everything looks better in natural light, so make the most of it!
Get the air moving. Even a cool house can feel warm when the air isn’t moving. If you can, open a few windows for a cross breeze. If it’s too hot outside to have windows open, place floor fans strategically to keep the air circulating.
Offer a cool-down. Summer is hot and sticky, and there is nothing better than finding an ice cold drink when you come in from the sink. Consider filling your sink or a metal bucket with bottled soda or lemonade and ice; agents and buyers will appreciate the refreshment!
If you have any questions, please get in touch with me; I’m always happy to speak with you.