The best property on the market won’t get sold if the agent can’t get in to show it. Make your home a quick sell by making it easy for agents to show it.
Frequent access. Your agent needs frequent access to be able to show your home to wide variety of buyers. Try to make it available as often as possible. Discuss scheduling with your agent.
Keep your walkways clear. Agents and buyers shouldn’t be winding their way through a maze of gardening utensils, overgrown bushes, or outdoor toys. By keeping everything clean and neat, you ensure that your agent can feel confident about showing the home on short notice.
Ask your agent. As always, ask your agent what you can do to help him or her show the house as often as possible. Your agent knows your local market, and is there to help you get the best sale possible!
I hope you’re having a great day – let me know if you need anything.