You can be a successful agent regardless of the ups and down of the market. The market is not the issue. Your challenge is to get buyers and sellers to come to agreements. What questions are you using to engage your customers and move them towards a settled deal?
There are 4 questions that are practically guaranteed to move a buyer or seller towards positive action. You may only need to use one question, or it may take the whole set; listen to your customer’s needs. These are not questions to be asked over email; use them face to face so you can connect with the client.
1: “What happens if you DO buy/sell/reduce your price?” Stop and explore the options. Let the customer get completion in their mind: how would it feel to no longer be worrying about this process?
2: “What happens if you don’t take this action?” Get the client to think about their plan B? Would they need to rent, or keep their house on the market hoping for other offers?
3: “What won’t happen if you do take this action?” Encourage the customer to think of all the things they can STOP doing, like paying rent, showing the house, etc.
4: “What won’t happen if you don’t take this action?” Let the client explore the changes that they would miss out on if they chose not to buy/sell/etc.
Remember to internalize these questions; make them natural and comfortable. You’re not trying to pressure the client into a decision; you’re helping the client uncover the decision they want to make.
I hope you’re having a great day – let me know if you need anything.