When speaking to a listing prospect, you might hear “We’re close to selling it ourselves. We’re getting lots of interest and don’t need a realtor.” Don’t give up! Don’t let this opportunity pass by. Reply, “That’s great! Have you received any offers? Can I tell you why high traffic and no offers should concern you? For one thing, you’re allowing strangers into your home without being qualified buyers, or being able to screen looky-loos from those with real intent to buy. An agent can protect your interests by screening before showing the property. Secondly, it’s fantastic that you’re getting so much interest now, and imagine how much interest your property will generate when I market and expose the property to my entire network of agents and buyers. More interested buyers means more offers, which means a higher sales price for you, and maybe even a bidding war. Do you want to sell for top dollar and let me handle all the chores of selling, or do you want to limit your potential selling price?”
I hope you’re having a great day – let me know if you need anything.