You really can’t talk to people and determine whether they’re good prospects if you don’t know your own products inside, outside, top to bottom. You dont […]
I often draw a triangle with equal sides when I discuss the fundamentals of championship selling. Notice that the triangle’s base or bottom side is attitude, […]
You’ve undoubtedly heard the phrase, ‘be a product of the product.’ This means that you not only represent the product or service, but that you, personally, […]
Unless you sell some unique product for a very exclusive or narrow market, everybody is a prospect. I call this realization the -prospecting mindset, and if […]
The education process-learning product information and gaining selling skills-is the beginning of your career in sales. Getting to know your product is essential. If you don’t […]
Warm prospecting, on the other hand, involves contacting people who you have good reason to believe will become clients and with whom you have some sort […]