The modern world is full of news stories competing for your attention; how do you know which stories to believe? You can increase your news savvy with a few simple tips.
Check your sources. There are many satire news “sources” online, and many of them are made to look legitimate. There are other publications and sites that simply do not practice diligence and report unsubstantiated rumors or exaggerated reports. Let your common sense prevail; if a story raises doubts, research the source.
Check for balanced reporting. If the news story doesn’t attempt to get quotes from both sides of an event or issue, they may not be reporting it reliably. If you don’t see at least some attempt to report all sides, go for another source.
Read more than one source. Checking multiple news sources gives you perspective on the story, and helps you think about it critically.
Check sensational stories thoroughly. If a story sounds too good, too bad, or simply too crazy to be true, there’s a good chance it it’s a fake, or at least highly exaggerated. The website is dedicated to checking the truth and falsehood of stories online; it’s an excellent resource. Check the story there before passing it along.
Have a wonderful day and please let me know if you need anything.