November 20, 2022


PRE-NOD FORBEARANCE® is the nation’s Leading Data & Analytics Provider to real estate agents, lenders and investors.  This weeks, Pre-NODs (30-60-90 day mortgage lates) and […]
November 18, 2022 ranked No. 1 in Sales Lead Generation Services ranked No.1 in Sales Lead Generation Services ranked No.1 in Sales Lead Generation Services® ranked No.1 in Sales Lead Generation Services and a leader among the […]
July 18, 2022

Looking For Sellers!

Looking For Sellers!   There are currently 7,569 zombie properties in the US (homes that are vacant and in pre-foreclosure not listed in the MLS), and […]
July 4, 2021

Speed to Leads Series with Bob – How to Convert Leads for Realtors

Speed to Leads Speed to Leads Series with Bob – How to Convert Leads for Realtors What is the best way to convert the Leads […]
April 9, 2021
John The Data Man

Pre-NOD on the Rise from Covid-19

Pre-NOD 30-60-90 Day Late Leads distressed homeowners distressed sellers Pre-NOD, 30-60-90 Day Late Leads, homeowners are great seller leads for real estate professionals. These distressed homeowners […]
June 9, 2017

Who We Are

CDL Data provides accurate, reliable and comprehensive national Residential & Commercial property, mortgage and consumer information. We service 50 States and 2460 counties nationwide. Our data […]
June 9, 2017

What We Do

We Help You Grow Your Business – one Homeowner at a Time. Connect with Targeted Prospects Need to Succeed. As a registered user of CDL Data […]
June 9, 2017

What We Offer

Residential & Commercial Leads Cell Phone Numbers – Nationwide phone numbers Data Enhancement – Clean, Validate, Enrich your Data – Update addresses, phone and email addresses […]
June 9, 2017

Key Features

Access to Cell Phone Numbers – nationwide phone numbers Access to Data Enhancement – Clean, Validate, Enrich your data list -update addresses, phone and email addresses. […]
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