When you’re looking for someone to help you navigate the current housing market, it can be confusing! Do you know how to identify a good realtor?
A good realtor educates you during the process. He or she will explain your options, explain their recommendations, and answer your questions. They should be knowledgeable about the real estate market in their area, and able to get answers for any questions they cannot answer offhand. Don’t go with someone who only tells you what you want to hear in the hopes of getting your business; choose someone who tells you the truth and can help you navigate the market to your advantage.
A good realtor keeps you informed. It’s not enough for a realtor to be busy working for you; you need to know what’s going on. Look for a realtor who returns calls or emails promptly, and communicates clearly.
A good realtor represents your interests accurately. If you’re buying a home, you want a realtor who will find properties in your price range, with the features you’re seeking, without going far outside your criteria just to make a sale. If you’re selling your home, you want a realtor who will help you set a good price, and market your house accurately.
A good realtor’s online presence has real content. Look for a site that has information you can use, not just marketing hoopla about the greatness of the agent. Most home sellers and buyers begin their search for an agent online, and you want to choose someone who is up-to-date on the latest information technology. Look for someone with helpful content on their site, not just “I’m the best!”
I hope you’re having a great day – let me know if you need anything.