September 15, 2014

“I don’t want to commit to a single agent.”

Sometimes a potential seller says, “I don’t want to commit to a single agent.” No matter how small your business, this is the time to play […]
September 15, 2014

“I want to talk to other agents first.”

How do you respond when a potential seller tells you, “I want to review some other agents before I make my listing.” Remember, this may be […]
September 15, 2014

“Why should I choose you?”

One of the most common questions you will hear when trying to get a listing is, “Why should I choose you?” This is a great question; […]
September 15, 2014

“I promised my former agent that I’d list with him.”

 A listing prospect may tell you, “I promised my former agent that I’d sell with him.” It’s always good to see this kind of loyalty in […]
September 15, 2014

“For that low price, I’ll sell it myself!”

Sometimes, after you’ve done your research and given a seller an idea of the price their house might bring, you may get a negative response. “For […]
September 15, 2014

“I want agents to stop calling me!”

When you’re making calls to potential clients, you’re likely to have at least one respond with, “Lots of other agents have already called, I want you […]
September 15, 2014

“I have a friend who’s reducing their fees for me.”

What do you do when a potential listing contact tells you, “I have a friend in real estate who is giving me a discount to work […]
September 15, 2014

“We want to sell it ourselves!”

How often have you heard the objection,  “We don’t need your services, we’re selling the property ourselves.” Don’t let this statement trip you up; have a […]
September 9, 2014

Take control

Take control of your own business plan. You need to be focusing on what is working in the market place today, not last month or last […]
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